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Black Ops 2012

Here’s my slides from Black Hat and Defcon for 2012.  Pile of interesting heresies — should make for interesting discussion.  Here’s what we’ve got:

1) Generic timing attack defense through network interface jitter
2) Revisiting Random Number Generation through clock drift
3) Suppressing injection attacks by altering variable scope and per-character taint
4) Deployable mechanisms for detecting censorship, content alteration, and certificate replacement
5) Stateless TCP w/ payload retrieval

I hate saying “code to be released shortly”, but I want to post the slides and the code’s pretty hairy.  Email me if you want to test anything, particularly if you’d like to try to break this stuff or wrap it up for release.  I’ll also be at Toorcamp, if you want to chat there.

Categories: Security
  1. lkafle
    August 6, 2012 at 2:38 am

    Reblogged this on lava kafle kathmandu nepal.

  2. Anssi Porttikivi
    August 6, 2012 at 1:00 pm

    Just as a kudos to Rob Pike and friends, I think Plan 9 and maybe Inferno OS uses the DakaRand idea, calling it “duelling clocks”… I have Googled like yearly, that why is nobody doing it…

  1. August 15, 2012 at 6:16 am

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