Home > Security > DNS Filtering Threatens the Security and Stability of the Internet

DNS Filtering Threatens the Security and Stability of the Internet

The DNS works. It creates the shared namespace that allows applications to interoperate across LANs, organizations, and even countries. With the advent of DNSSEC, it’s our best opportunity to finally address the authentication flaws that are implicated in over half of all data breaches.

There are efforts afoot to manipulate the DNS on a remarkably large scale. The American PROTECT IP act contains several reasonable and well targeted remedies to copyright infringement. One of these remedies, however, is to leverage the millions of recursive DNS servers that act as accelerators for Internet traffic, and convert them into censors for domain names in an effort to block content.

Filtering DNS traffic will not work, and in its failure, will harm both the security and stability of the Internet at large.

But don’t take just my word for it. I’ve been fairly quiet about PROTECT IP since when it was referred to as COICA, working behind the scenes to address the legislation. A common request has been a detailed white paper, deeply elucidating the technical consequences of Recursive DNS Filtering.

Today, I — along with Steve Crocker, author of the first Internet standard ever, Paul Vixie, creator of many of the DNS standards and long time maintainer of the most popular name server in the world, David Dagon, co-founder of the Botnet fighting firm Damballa, and Danny MacPherson, Chief Security Officer of Verisign — release Security and Other Technical Concerns Raised by the DNS Filtering Requirements in the PROTECT IP Bill.

Thanks go to many, but particularly to the staffers who have been genuinely and consistently curious — on both sides of the aisle — about the purely technical impact of the Recursive DNS Filtering provisions. A stable and secure Internet is not a partisan issue, and it’s gratifying to see this firsthand.

Categories: Security
  1. Charles Glasser
    May 26, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    The congress should empower the Internet Task Force and step away from those things they will only screw up.

  2. tim
    May 26, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    if you censor DNS, the ones in the know will just use a 3rd party software to allow them to access sites, or edit their host files?

    its like taking the numbers off your house when the bill collectors are looking for you… it wont be long till they figure it out

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